What is Google Analytic

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What is Google Analytic

Brief glimpse of the Google Analytics 6U

Web analytics firm level is more sophisticated, easier to use and free.
Google Analytics is a web analytics solution that provides enterprise-level detailed information about web site traffic and marketing effectiveness. Now, features powerful, flexible, and easy to use allows you to view and analyze traffic data in new ways. With Google Analytics, you can create a targeted ad is better, strengthen marketing initiatives and create a web site higher conversion.

and in essence that Google Analytics is very useful for all types of websites because it can monitor the reports and automatically launch a significant change in the pattern data and realtime updates and the advanced segmentation and analysis can separate the slices with the manufacturers of traffic fast interactive segment. and you can adjust the data required by your desire to change suaian reports, custom variables, and tracking a flexible API.

and now Google Analytics to generate profits pageviews. And when used with other products in the ecosystem-Google; which include AdWords, AdSense, Website Optimizer, Webmaster Tools, and others, gain insight into marketing activities becomes easy.

Some functions we can use are:

1. Seeing the amount of traffic / visitors blog, with google analytics we can also see the number of pageviews per period, starting from the day, a week and monthly.

2. See where your visitors, we can monitor where your visitors are coming to our blog, can visitors from search engines, can also visitors from other sites, or visitors can also come directly without intermediaries.

3. View keywords in the search for most of our blog will be ranked between 1-10.

4. Seeing the city from our blog visitors.

5. Can assist in doing lawyer google-index of the way submit "sitemap"

To use google analytis we can do the registration in Sign Up first, then we will be ordered to enter the URL of our blog, and then we will be ordered to enter the code in given to verify google analytics, but if you confused her to enter a code, you can upload an HTML file is also given, but to upload HTML files must be for a blog / website that has CPANEL, if not, then use the first way is to enter code to your blog.
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